Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Vatican Sends an Environmental Message

An Environmental Message, From and On the Vatican

By: The New York Times

During the week of December 4, 2015, St. Peter's Basilica went dark, causing some to worry. However the Basilica was simply preparing for Fiat Lux: Illuminating Our Common Home - a showing of artwork about climate change which coincided with the climate talks in Paris. Officials assured people not to worry about the blackout, for the projection show would not disappoint. The show was meant to show the beauty of the world, and what is happening to our world because of climate change. 

When I watched this projection show, I was amazed at how beautiful it was. The world is incredible, and it's hard to remember that when crazy things such as wars and terrorist attacks are happening. Climate change is not always at the forefront of our minds, and although it does not necessarily pose an immediate threat, if we don't make a change, future generations are in deep trouble. Hopefully the projection show on St. Peter's Basilica will be a reminder to everyone of what is at stake if we do not change. 

To read the full story Click Here

Some of the Projections that were shown on the Basilica

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