Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Since Paris Attacks, More Raids, Arrests have Occurred

Paris Attacks: 2,000 Raids, 210 Arrests, Since State of Emergency

By: Jake Cigainero and Alastair Jamieson

On November 13th, Paris was attacked by terrorists. Since the Paris attacks there have been over 2,000 raids, more than 300 weapons have been sized, and 210 people have been arrested. Manuel Valls, a french politician stated that these arrests "are not due to chance," rather they "allow support for objective suspicions."

The attacks on Paris caused an alarming realization that the Western world is very much susceptible to attack. The attacks caused much harm, however at least one positive thing has come from it: nations are joining together to help each other remain safe. These raids and arrests may be scary, but they are showing that French, as well as other nations' security officials are on top of current terror threats and are working to ensure public safety.

To read the full story Click Here

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