'The View' Hosts Respond to Criticism Over 'Misconstrued' Nurse Comments
By: Julia Brucculieri
The View talk show hosts attempted to apologize to nurses all over the country after demeaning Kelley Johnson, for performing a monologue about nursing in the talent portion of the 2016 Miss America pageant. Kelley Johnson performed a monologue about a patient Joe, who reminded her that she is a life saver, not "just a nurse." The View replayed this clip as cohost Michelle Collins laughed at Johnson's "nurse's uniform", and fellow co host Joy Behar wondered why she was wearing a "doctor's stethoscope." Nurses all over the country are outraged an these ignorant remarks. The View attempted to apologize to nurses, however they never said the words "sorry."
When I watched Kelley Johnson's monologue, I was beyond inspired because I want to be a nurse. I've had moments in my life where my family and I needed a nurse's support, and I do not know where I'd be without those incredible nurses. When people ask me what I plan on studying in college, I respond "nursing." I often respond remarks much like the ladies of The View made such as, "Why wouldn't you want to be a doctor?" Many people have false notions towards what nurses do. The View's inappropriate comments have created a much needed awareness about what nurses actually do... they save lives. This article was important to share, as I hope everyone can take a moment to recognize the incredible work that nurses and all medical professionals do.
To read the full article Click Here
Video of Kelley Johnson's Monologue
The View Mocking Kelley Johnson's Monologue
The View's Apology
I LOVE that you included the videos!