Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Third Bomber in the Brussels Attack is Arrested

Man Arrested as ‘Third Bomber’ in Brussels Attack Is Freed; Hunt Is Renewed

By: Andrew Higgins and Kimiko De Freytas-Tamura

Fayçal Cheffou was arrested last week as he was thought to have been involved in the Brussels attack, however he was released on Monday, since he was mistakenly identified by one of the bombers by the witness. Eric Van der Sijpt, a spokesperson for the Brussels prosecutor's office said that although Mr. Cheffou has been released from prison, his charges are not being dropped; there is not enough evidence yet to continue holding him in prison. 

After the Brussels attack occurred, many were reasonably upset. Officials released a video of three men pushing carts as a way to seek help from the public in identifying the three men that they believed to be involved in the airport bombing. Because the officials were so quick to release the video, perhaps they excited the public in a way that would cause the public to over react, perhaps causing an innocent person to be charged with a crime. Time will tell whether or not this man is innocent. 

To read the full story Click here

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