Monday, October 12, 2015

ISIS Leader Hit by Airstrike

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Convoy Hit by Airstrike, Iraq's Military Says

By: Susanna Capelouto and Mohammed Tawfeeq

Iraq's military is claiming to have struck a vehicle in which ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was in. It is unknown how the ISIS leader was affected, and the US Pentagon is not confirming what has happened. His vehicle was struck in his way to a meeting in Karabelah to meet with senior ISIS leaders. The meeting site was also struck, and several ISIS leaders were killed or wounded.

The threat of ISIS is alarming. They are recruiting more and more people and they do not appear to be slowing down in their fight. Recently I watched an interview with President Obama talking about the fight against ISIS, and how it is a battle that requires the work of many countries. I will be interested to hear what has happened/what will happen to al-Baghdadi, and how his condition will affect ISIS' capabilities.

To read the full story Click here

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