'Great kid, athlete' Dies After High School Football Game
By: Ray Sanchez
On Saturday, mourners remembered Cam'ron Matthews - an Alto High School football player who recently died after a football game in Texas. Matthews' death marks the 6th death of high school football players in the U.S. this year. In 2014, 11 football players died from sports related injuries, and another six died of indirect causes such as heat stroke.
I recently heard about the amount of concussions that high school and professional football players suffer from. In fact, a new movie "Concussion" is coming to theaters soon; it focuses on how concussions can damage the brains of athletes. This article reminded me of how dangerous high school football can be, and although concussions and other injuries may seem small in the scheme of things, they can often be preventable or treatable just by simply letting athletes know that if they aren't feeling well, it is crucial that they tell someone. Although this blog post is not about a war or about crises of the world, athletic injuries are a very important matter to be aware of.
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